I have been inspired by a few blogs I have been following, (Will post links once I get permission) and wanted to start one of my own. If only as a useful tool to keep track of my crazy, busy, hectic life. 

What I am hoping to get from this:
  • A way to keep track of and hold me accountable for my finances.
  • Make friends in the Personal Finance Blog community. 
  • Get out of Debt!
  • Be more responsible.
  • Have somewhere to share my ideas. 
Now, I would say the way I live is far from starving student. I shop with my friends, we enjoy weekly lunches out, and multiply dinners out a week. I travel at least an hour to see friends a couple times a month. All these things add up, and I am slowly starting to see the impact it is having on my budget. My income is about $20,000 - $23,000 a year (varies because of tips) plus I receive an additional $9500 in student loans. So as my debt creeps higher and higher, I find my closet filling up with clothes, shoes, purses, you name it! Not to mention the occasional tanning trip, or getting my nails done. 
I know I won't be able to cut these things out completely, and don't plan on it. I do want to try and save money by making lunches at home, having friends over for dinner rather then going out, or dare I say it... not buy that new dress I don't need! I know I am not perfect, and expect to slip up. My overall goal is just to learn and be more responsible. 
2/11/2011 12:35:10 am

Welcome to the PF blogosphere!

4/28/2012 02:23:34 am

great job setting goals :) any progress reports?


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