
First I would like to welcome you to my 'not totally sure the topic' blog! Mostly I am assuming I will be posting about my personal finance, work and school, as that consumes the majority of my life. Whether anyone reads this or not I have always found blogging to be a wonderful tool to keep track of my crazy mind! 

I am a 20 year old full time business student, and a semi full time server. I am by no means a good writer, but do enjoy keeping track of things. I have officially been living on my own for about 6 months, but have been financially on my own for the last 4 years (besides rent). This is my shot at paying down a ton of student loans, a car loan, and some credit card debt, all on the unpredictable income of a server. 

I am calling the GTA home sweet home, and have been for the past year and a half. Moving here has been one of the best decisions of my life, although I miss home deeply. I do get home a lot more now that I own a car, only being an hour drive away. Being in the 'big city' has been a lot of fun, but that fun comes at a price. I find everything more expensive here. I do try to buy whatever I can at home, saving a little bit of money.  

Here are some of my 2011 goals:
  • Finish second year.
  • Run a 10k race.
  • Pay off my credit card and car.
  • Move into an apartment.
  • Go to the Calgary Stampede. 

Now I can't say any of this will be easy. I have an addiction to dining out, shopping, and NOT running when I should. I am never completely satisfied with what I have and always want more, or change. I am going to keep track of everything, and hold myself accountable for things I do not complete. This is just a small start though. 

Would you take the pleasure of joining me for this bumpy ride?